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How to use Permalink to improve SEO

Permalink is one of the greatest blogger tool that I personally use in optimizing my blog. It is an idea of shorten blog post link which people are likely to search for in search engines like google, yahoo, or bing

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What is permalink

Permalink is a short word for permanent-link. A link that is permanent for blogger posts. This is the link that shows in the address bar of internet browser.
Blogger do configure permalink for each post in case the link is complecated than what people are likely to remember.

Also, a permalink or permanent link is a URL that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future, yielding a
hyperlink that is less susceptible to link
rot. Permalinks are often rendered simply,
that is, as friendly URLs, so as to be easy
for people to type and remember. Most
modern blogging and content-syndication
software systems support such links.
Sometimes URL shortening is used to
create them. [Wikipedia]

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Example of permalink On Blogger

Let take a new blog post as an example
A blog post titled: 「All Android applications that almost every bloggers should have on their-smartphones」

Its default link will go like this

Now looking at that link, its somehow very long and its gonna be difficult to find people to type such a thing in search engines. This is when the use of permalink will come in.
Instead of publishing this post with the default link why don't you make use of that amazing tool called PERMALINK. So that long default link will now be configured to a shorter one which will have a better potential on search engines ranking and which people might likely to type in the search engines. It can be put in the following forms.

Before permalink

Afer using permalink
- and so on.

Examples of permalink On WordPress

A new WordPress post like 「Major challenges faced by blogger」 default link for such post goes like this: or s

After permalink it can be put as:-

You will notice that after permalink is used it a little bit shorter than the default link and even its likely people search for them than the default link and the numeric format is eliminated on WordPress.

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How to add permalink to blogger post

Step 1 - Logon to your blogger dashboard

Step 2 - Click new post to add your post

Step 3 - Click on post setting -> Permalink

wait for blogger to generate default link for your new post while it calculate... Blogger check through your post title and generate a link for the post. Once you are provided with default link now go to the next step.

Step 4 - Custom - you can now edit the link to a preffered choice.

Step 5 -Click done and go ahead to
 publish your post.

How to add permalink to wordpress post

Method 1
In WordPress, the term slug is used for the url friendly name of a post, page, tag, or category. It is automatically generated by WordPress and used in URL when you create a new item.

For example, a new post titled “20 Most Amazing Coffee Shops in Manhattan”,
WordPress would generate a post slug like this 20-most-amazing-coffee-shops-in- manhattan.
Depending on what permalink structure you have, your post
URL will look something like this:

Now if you just want to change that slug part of the permalink, then that’s easy to do before publishing such post without installing any plugins or coding.

Method 2
The easiest way to change the slug part of a URL for a WordPress post and page, or custom post types is by editing them.
To do that, logon to your wordpress dashboard

On the post edit screen, look just below the post title and you will see the post URL with an edit button next to it.

Img 2

Clicking on this edit button will allow you to change the post slug.
For a more SEO friendly URL, make sure you choose a post slug that contains keywords people would use to search for that content. Wpbeginer

Power of permalink to blogger

Bookmarking and sharing
The use of Permalink is essential as they directs reader to the particular article in order to make them bookmark for future refference.
It also basically freezes the article so that even if your blog has posted thousands of other articles, a reader can always refer back to that permalink.

​Imrovement of SEO
Permalinks are also important for building the structure of your website and
improving your SEO (search engine
optimization). Using structured and well thought out permalinks can make the difference between your article staying relevant and ranking high on Google or getting lost in the thousands of posts out there.

Do's',  Don't's' and Effects of Permalink on blogger or WordPress blog

Prompt to error: Changing your permalink after it has been posted might result in a 404 error on the old url, especially on blogger, affecting your Google rankings heavily. If you have to change it, you should redirect the old one to the new one.

Avoid using complecated grammer: As a blogger, we know that it is important to have a well-though out title for more clicks from Google. Using keywords not only helps with this but it is also a way for readers to know what exactly the article is about.

Makes a link unique: You should never have two articles with similar permalinks because Google won't know which one they should show in their search results.

Avoid using symbols, numbers or other characters: A dynamic URL is one where the content changes as it is pulled from a database for a reader to see. These URLs contain characters such as ?, =, and $. On the other hand, static URLs never change. Using a static URL without those symbols will make it easier for both readers and search engines to understand.

Stick to lower case characters: search engines can tell the difference between an uppercase and lowercase letter. Therefore if you have two URLs leading to the same webpage, the search engine will register them as two different web pages, dividing up the "SEO power" between the two of them.

Use dashes (-) not underscores (_): Search engines register an underscore as an additional part of a word, making your URL seem longer. Dashes, on the other hand, are registered as being a word separator.

Don't use words like "the" "your" etc. They're given low priority in the eyes of Google and thus make your permalink unnecessarily long.

Simple URL: Google actually claims that having permalinks with more than 3-5 words not only looks spammy, but will also affect your Google rankings.

Consistent: Having consistent URLs helps with optimizing your search engine rankings and makes your blog organized for readers.

In a nutshell, Permalink is a free method to increase search engine ranking. Now I believed you've get my mind if its surely you really read this post with attentive. Please if you don't understand go ahead and read again and again. To gain organic trafic your blog should be verry well optimized using permalink as one of tools. If you practice SEO on your either blogger or wordpress or any other you dont need to spend even a dime on advert.
In a sentence ...earn traffic but don't buy them... If you earn traffic it is surely your post helped and they will always come back for more updates. But if you buy traffic they might not really be those your targeted audience.

SEO is the best way to earn organic traffic.

Please share with fellow bloggers and let us know if it is helpful or not via comment.

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