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» » » » How To Build Audience - 13 ways reviewed

Creating a blog is very with just 3 steps.
#1 Sign up for google account
#2 Choose your blog template
#3 Creat your first post
As people find it easy to creat blogs they find it difficult to grow the blog so as a result of that they were unable to succed in choosing blogging as their way of life.
I have gathered information on how you can grow you blog to targeted audiences without even paying a dime.

Growing your blog is determined if a blog will be successful or not. If you are able to grow your audiences rest assured you income start growing. This audiences have put their trust in your blog contents and the more keep visiting the more the chances to ad clicks

What is adsense - a question by a buddy blogger

Here are the ways to grow your audiences to make huge money 💰

👍 Social media linking. Remember your goal is to let folks know about your blog and get then interested in visiting it. Once they get to know your blog and your contents are solving their problems get keep coming back.

👍 Share your blog posts on social media . While you can automate these feeds, handcraft each one with relevant commentary to attract greater readership. Social media like facebook, once you share your links with the privacy settings in public almost all facebook users will see the post.

👍 Get a blogger friend. Having trouble getting motivated? Having getting bored? Having problems looking for solutions? Find someone else who’s also blogging and meet with each other regularly to help each other get feedback and brainstorm topics.

👍 Let your family, friends and colleagues know. Get your social circle to read, comment on and share your blog posts.

👍 Become part of a blog network. Join a bloggiing community where you support each other with social sharing and commenting.

👍 Participate in relevant social media . At least, create a profile and connect to family, friends, classmates and former colleagues. The goal is to expand your social circle.

👍 Stake out a claim for your blog on every social media platform. Where possible, create a profile in your blog’s name so people can find it, even if you not active on that platform.

👍 Comment on other people’s blogs. The goal is to contribute to the conversation. Be a regular so that the blogger gets to know you.

👍 Participate in Twitter Chats . You can highlight your blog in your introduction by saying, “Hi! I’m Habeeb and I blog at .” While it’s a very fast chat, it’s a great place to meet other like-minded bloggers and get your problems solved.

👍 Write guest posts . Try an assortment of blogs. Understand that the more high profile blogs may not be interested in your contribution until they see that your blog has gained traction.

👍 Offer to write articles for your firm or other organization. Write appropriate articles but make sure that in return they give you a short bio with a link back to your blog.

Become a successful blogger before 2017 euns out

👍 Give Aways. Give out ebooks, pens or t-shirts with your blog URL. Even better, wear the t-shirt so people can see you. For example, I have some customized t-shirts with blog address.

What to do before applying for adsense program

👍 Join a relevant blogging community. This helps when you interact th fellow bloggers, you share ideas 💡, you ask questions, you provide solutions ro problems other bogger are facing by sharing links of your posts. You can join bloggers community on facebook
Bloggers Helping Bloggers, Blogging Networker
Blogging and promotion
Bloggers funda Blogger Spots Blogger Success Bloggers Camp Join as many as possible it helps alot.

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