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Rank Better in google |
SEO the accronym for Search engine optimization. SEO is the activities of increasing the level of the number of people who visited your blog through search engine like google, bing, yahoo...
Getting rank in google give a website organic traffic which is the best than using paid traffic. Organic traffic always stake with blogs everytime of fresh updatea.
How get ranked in google search engine to ensure organic traffic.
Here is a quick, simple search engine tricks
1. The use of header 'H1' Tags: This is the use of uppercase characters in the title of blog post. The uppercase used for a blog post might be an influence of which the post will have its root in google search engine.
I read a blog post with headline "Best HOSTING Platforms" when someone searches for keywords like HOSTING that is present in the Heading tag your website might be one on the first page.
2. The Use of Meta Description: This is the little characters you provided use to describe your blog. All blogger templates has the meta description locates in its code area. The meta description you use for your website should also include the keywords you want your target audience to search for.
3. Dont forget about blogger Permalinks: This refers to permanent URL links of some particular post on your blog. It is advantageous to include your keywords in these permalinks in order to be considered for higher ranking on Google. This post as an example http://pranktech.blogspot.co.ke/2017/11/how-to-build-audience-13-ways-reviewed.html?m=1 If you use permalinks you can put like this pranktech.blogspot.com/build-audience or 'audience building'. So people searching for any of these keyword might likely to get your link and landed on your blog..
4. Backlinking is also powerflul: It is done when other blogs mentioned your link in their blog post probably they make reference or just mention your blog in theirs. The idea behind this is to always do some freelance writing to others blogs and provide your link. I wrote a guest post for a buddy, a pakistan blogger which has the average of 7000 views in a month provided the post my links telling to visit my blog for hot blogging tips. Imagine it, I received 875 visits through this single post.
5. Write the best content.
There are many blogs of the same niche with yours and even there are countless upcoming ones. Everything has become competition, google will rank blogs that writes for their love over those folks without best content. Take your time to write the best of the best contents which readers will also loved to read. Example of an article "How to Become a bigtime earner: everybody wanna make make money from blogging, bloggers will like to read this article if they came across it in google search engine.
6. Put the keyword in your page title.
Your page title should contain your keyword, but that doesn't mean it has to be exact (though it can be).
Additionally, the title must also be interesting enough that people will actually want to click on it! A good example of this You blog about SEO you might have a post that says - Always appears top in Google rank ... that is something I would want to read.
7. Naming pictures the name of blog post
A blog post that contains images, you can use those images to cement the idea to Google about your post's topic. You know we search for pictures from google, if a picture is clicked they land to your blog There are two ways to do this:
1. The image name
2. The image alt tag
To change the image name, simply change the name of the image on your computer before uploading. Instead of a file called "28662977366e724.png," you can re-name it something like "15 app a blogger must have.jpg."
The "alt tag" is something you designate after you upload the photo to your blog. Without getting too technical, the alt tag is simply the text that the web browser will show if the photo can't load for some reason. You can do this by adding caption.
8. Insert internal links in between your posts
Yes this works like a magic. It makes your readers to stay a long while on your blog, it increases your traffic. This is very simple with just adding links of your older post in the current post.
If you aren't talking about your best content, why should anyone else care? For this reason, it's important that your best SEO content be linked to internally by other pages on your website.
Yes, this means you may need to go back and edit some older posts to include links to the new, incredible content.
This post is posted due to the experience, researcg work and practices. The above tips do help me as a blogger like you.
You read this post because you wanna increase in google right? So try the above tricks... It is FREE SIMPLE AND EASY to do
Share with fellow bloggers.
Having any related qustion? Feel free to comment. Simply following those tricks, and you'll be miles ahead of the competitors and will likely see your posts get significant SEO traffic.
Blogging is fun.
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