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» » » How to run a Successful Blog While Studying

Blogger has being trending over many years back. I came to know about blogging back in 2013 and I knew some one who being in blogging platform for since 2000. Blogging activities is incredibly popular.
Being a blogger as student, you have to write and even write. Writing for your blogs will really help you durring the time you are writing projects, presentation, ...

You may have started a blog before getting to university, or be looking to start one while you study, but perhaps you are worried about spearing part of your time to blog because you don't wanna be affected in your academic careers. Taking anything else while you study might the reasons for lapses in your academics.

But I will show you how to run blogs while you study without being affected at all.

Start a blog while you are a student


In a normal circumstance man supose to set his goal. What he wanna be in the next six months. How to achive those set goals. He then focus on what loved doing. As a student blogger like me, focus on your primary assignments as a student. You will have to visit library, sometimes you will have some research works to do, you  may have to prepare a presentation to deliver or there might be some practical works you wanna do. Those are the primary assignments I was talking about so as to not be affected and to pass out as a first class graduate. Blogging and other activities like clubbing, outing are secondary assignment you are supose to do durring your leisure time. You blog in weekends or some other times you are less busy.

Become a Pro blogger before this year runs out


This can be a great time to start a blog. If you are studying, surely you have a subject you are best in. If you’re studying Economics and Finance for instance, why not start a business blog? Or just blog about student life and any hobbies or interests you have like music. The best blogs are the ones that teach people or explore new ideas.
A student of Economics and Finance is sure that he have known something about business, money, management, even youve known something about government. Why don't you start a blog and move with lecturers, seniors and best students in the department to learn new things.

Using the healthcare as another example, as a student doing MPH degree, you have contact with professors, tutors and fellow students, who all have an immense amount of knowledge in their field and start amazing amazing blog.

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Using this tip, I found time for myself studying bigtime. I gat the time to go to the school library, time for assignments, time to write presentation and so on. Scheduling blog post make your post to be delay to later future time. The post will not be posted instantly nor automatically which the blogger will select date for the post it self.
Schedule blog post will delay such post to later date. You have the time to write durring weekends, post them and set different dates for them. Like was used to, I write like 3 to 4 post durring the week and post them pickking different dates.
For example: a post scheduled to monday, another one to wednessday, another one to friday and other to suday.

How schedule post on blogger

Step 1
Logo to
In your dashboard click on "New Post" and follow the below shots:

Now you can now pick the proffered date from the calendar 📅 and even set time to post.

Another way is with the Use of scheduling and automation apps and tools can be a of great help when you’re busy. Apps such as BUFFER can build a list of what and when to post to social media for you. There are also plugins you can use on your blog, which will post for you when you are not connected nor logged in to your account. So, if ever you have a quiet weekend, get things ready to go, then when you’re busy they will get handled for you.

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You shouldn't spend your time unnecessarily. Reduce your engagement on stuffs that has any value to add to career. Unnecessary conversation with friends, roaming all around hostels, clubbing, and so on.
You also need to be very careful for not to letting blogging activities interfere with your study time. Studying must always come first. It can be really easy to lose track of time and get carried away when you are working online. So, consider setting an alarm, and take some time off your blog when you have exams or important assignments. It will still be there waiting for you when you are ready.

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While I'm still studying at TOPS apart from moving with the best ambitious students I looked for the people of the same passion #blogging. We unite, chat, move together, visit each other in fact we founded a Great Bloggers Club where we invite and encourage fellow students to start their own blogs. We conducted seminars inviting bloggers from other school.

Blogging community is a great way to get to know other bloggers. Even the online community is a bae like BHB, Bloggers Funda, Bloggers Ville, Bloggers Lab, Pakistani Blogger Camp and so on. Chat with people of the same intrest even they might be professionals that you do, visit their blogs and share or leave comments. Contribute to posts, ask questions, answer questions, provide solution to problems, by so doing, they will do the same for you. You’ll also then have people to turn to for advice or help, and just to rank you as one the great blogger in the community.

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If you can follow this article, studying will never be a reason for quiting blog. If you blog as a student like I've mentioned in my previous post; you will:- improve in initiative, improve your writing skills, make reading your hobby, your thinking will xtra faster, familirize with research.

Do always remember that blogging is supposed to be fun.
Have any other ways to blog while you study? There is love in sharing... Share it using the comment session.

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